The Passage

The Passage

The Passage

The Passage

The Passage Vision

Why do we call this event The Passage?

A passage in and of itself has a beginning, an end, and an opportunity for an experience along the way. Here, we intentionally focus on allowing ourselves to be loved and seen by our Heavenly Father; to fully accept our place as His daughter.

We encourage women to embrace the experience within the passage and to leave changed. Our hope is that women will leave with a stronger identity as His daughter because after all:

The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious daughters.

- Romans 8:19

Event Details

The Passage event season runs from Spring through Fall each year. Each event begins Wednesday evening and finishes Sunday morning with a cost of $495.00 which includes lodging, meals, and many special gifts.

Thirty days prior to your event, we begin preparing. You will receive detailed event instructions, short videos, and daily devotionals. 4-6 weeks after your event we come back together for a group session called Freedom Defined. We have found it’s critical to come back together shortly after your event, to process together what “life after The Passage” looks like, and to share our wins and our struggles.

Affiliate Program

If you are interested in bringing The Passage to your own church, please email

We have a very structured and intentional training Affiliate Program that will equip your team to offer The Passage ministry from your own church. Our Leadership Team has had extensive training and experience and falls under the supervision of our Senior Pastors, Pastor Paul and Colleen Ruzinsky.

Upcoming Events

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