Your tithes are reaching the world!
Jesus commanded in Matthew 28 to go into all the world and preach the gospel.
Everything from supporting local non-profits to providing bibles and financial support for pastors and missionaries overseas, we believe that missions is essential for the church and every believer. We are reaching the world from Newaygo by supporting missions organizations all over the world.
Missionaries we support at Resonate

Sydnee Crow
Sydnee is part of the YWAM team and has been to Africa.
Matt & Julie Beemer
Matt and Julie Beemer run the Club 1040 Ministry

Paul and Marcy Babor
Paul and Marcy Babor live as full time missionaries in South America.
Pastor Erik Harvey
Pastor Erik Harvey runs the ministry “The Pastor’s Friend” and currently does missions work in Pakistan and The Philippines. Erik is a local church guy, and has been for 30 years. But now, his heart to serve pastors and church leaders is unwavering. He’s ALWAYS on the mission, and looking to make an impact that’s bigger than himself.
See Pastor’s Friend ministry webpage here: https://www.pastorsfriend.com/