Resonate Men's Ministry is focused on helping our men discover their strengths as husbands, fathers, businessmen, and leaders.

We want to empower men to impact their workplace, communities, and their families for the kingdom of God. As the enemy attempts to steal the potential leadership of each man, we provide training to help men grow in their freedom and develop a confidence in their gifts.
Jesus said “But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.” (Matthew 7:14) Jesus seeks, as He has in each generation, for a breed of Men who will be uncompromising in their walk and take responsibility for their lives. Throughout the many outreaches and programs of Resonate Church Men’s Ministry, we encourage, empower and exhort men to walk this fine line for Christ in a way they may never have conceived by themselves.
Our men meet throughout the year on Monday nights for relevant teaching and small group discussion to help them grow closer to the Lord and develop lasting friendships.
Men's Winter Study:

Food for Thought: Men's Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast is a monthly men’s event that aims to grow fellowship and connection among the men of the church. We gather on the first Saturday of every month at 7:30 AM and enjoy breakfast, fellowship, and a message from one of our leaders.