We protect ourselves against division, fighting, and ultimately a waste of time by believing the best about others in situations that can appear otherwise.
Reflect: The tension of today’s culture within our country is running ramped with division. It doesn’t take long before differences turn into reasons to write off those around us. Thankfully our differences don’t dictate our value in the eyes of God and this same standard should be upheld in our lives as well. Our goal as the church is to set the standard for our community and the people around us of Godly relationships. We do this by “believing the best” in the people around us. Ephesians 4:3 tells us to make every effort to keep ourselves united in the Spirit and binding ourselves together with peace. When we believe the best about people, we stay united in the Spirit.
Action: Study Ephesians 4:1-6 and 1 Corinthians 13. How can we make every effort to keep ourselves united in the Spirit?